If you have kids, then you more than likely need a back seat organizer. Yes, high quality back seat organizers can range from $25 -$50. This is not a high-end organizer. It is an affordable model that is easy to hang, store a few things and fold away type of organizer. IT will cover the seat from your kids shoes, which is a plus.
Lets get real-- Kids break and, tear things - its just what they do. I would rather this more affordable model break than a high-end model. This has a few pockets, you can fit some small light weight toys, bottles, and kid books, or baby wipes.
IF you click on the pictures and zoom in on the sellers photos, you can base yourself off of those. It looks exactly like the pictures. What you see, is what you get!!
Product Description
Whether you are traveling for work, heading off on a vacation or
just trying to get through a busy day of errands with your kids, you
need to have a variety of items right on hand in your car. From snacks
to drinks to pens to toys for your children, all of those essentials can
quickly create clutter in the backseat of your vehicle. There are many
ways of getting organized in your vehicle, but how can you do so without
cutting down on legroom or seating space in your car? Our LUXURY BACKSEAT ORGANIZER is the perfect solution for all of your storage needs.•The LUXURY BACKSEAT ORGANIZER is uniquely designed to neatly store all types of items. It can be hung on the back of virtually all front seats and rests flat against the back seat. As a result, it will be close to the hands of kids who are buckled into car seats in the back and make it easy for you and them to access anything in seconds. Don't crawl around on the floor of the backseat looking for that item that you need.
•get a multitude of storage solutions all in one smart design.
•4 loops for pens, pencils, and glasses
•2 mesh pockets forwater bottles, baby bottles and soda cans.
•Large and small mesh pockets for your smartphone, ipad, snacks, books and toys
•1 pouch pocket with a fold-over flap for keeping items like medications out of the sunlight.
•stylish and durable to last years through, road trips and short car rides
Accommodate all your family's needs:
ADULTS-files, adapters, notebooks, cosmetics.
PETS- food, toys, and drinks
KIDS-toys, crayons, games, books, snacks and CDs/DVDs.
BABIES- bottle, pacifier, diapers, wipes and tissues
No matter what you need to keep with you on the go, this LUXURY BACKSEAT ORGANIZER has a place to put it.• ENJOY YOUR CLEAN AND CLUTTER FREE CAR •. "ORDER TODAY" !
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