Friday, October 16, 2015

Serenity of the Mind: The Process of Self Mastery #SerenityoftheMind

Renee Cefalu

I have been on an on-going journey of self-discovery, so when I so what this book was about, it was a sign. 

Firstly, I have been through so many self-help books it is not even funny, and I am only 27... Why?  I became depressed when I started my MBA at the age of 21. My background  with that is I graduated high-school in 3 years, complete undergrad school with 2 associates and bachelors in 3 1/2, and quickly jumped on board an MBA. My MBA  was with an Online school, and not knowing much about learning styles.... I began to struggle because there was not any lecture... and I thrived with lecture.. I am an Auditory learner.. and had never really opened a book because it wouldn't  stick. At the Online MBA level it was all about books, long papers and lack of lecture.  I ran into a wall, asked everyone I knew for help and guidance until I just gave up on life.  I had always excelled at everything, and worked since the age of 7 years old. I felt beaten and burnt out, not including the constant nagging of both my mom and mother in-law.  I would search for audio books on anything self-help on underground websites for personal use, and then to PDFs and stumbled upon Thick Face Black Heart and that book changed and even saved my life I did have to force myself through 365 pages in 4 days to retain the info, but I felt so much needed peace at the end that it was worth it.

 Serenity of the Mind: The Process of Self Mastery is much like Thick Face, Black Heart by Ching Ning-Chu, but much more condensed with easy to follow exercises and more notions of health. For instance there is talk about how the Nazis used Fluoride to pacify the masses and dumb them down, and makes reference to why/how fluoride is being used in current US drinking water. Why? Better question how do we reverse the effects?  There is a kind of Detox layed out in a brief chapter

Self-Discovery can be difficult, and many have died in the process via self inflected death, but if you can make it through this process , then you should come out feeling a lot better about both yourself and the world. You are absolutely in a vulnerable state with an inner war of emotions.

Renee Cefalu has laid out an easy to follow system that includes everything from understanding your emotions, connecting with your soul, nutrition, recipes in easy to follow roughly 100page book. I consider it as a guided practice with quotes and insights.

Very well thought out!  I might change a little of the formatting bolding and indentions here and there but besides that it is on point.

Product Description
We are not predisposed to our family genetics and by changing our lifestyle, self-defeating internal dialogue as well as eating nutritionally dense food, we can live a long and healthy life free of disease and illness.  Serenity of the Mind: The process of Self Mastery takes you down this journey. 
 Through the process of self-observation and self-discovery you will learn how to: 

*Control your thinking, emotions and behaviors
*Maneuver life circumstances with less difficulty
*Feel more purpose and self-worth
*Find flexibility for adapting to challenges and stresses
*Have more clarity, acceptance, and inner contentment
*Be more loving of yourself and others'
*Improve your health and overall wellbeing

* "I received free or discounted product in exchange for providing an unbiased review.

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