Product Description
JUMBiES are Two Animals in One - So a Dingo and a Bat becomes a
Dingbat and a Duck and a Monkey a Duckey...our plush animals are fun and
engaging. They are used in schools to teach tolerance and diversity as
every JUMBiE is different just like every person. JUMBiES ignite the
imagination of children and adults! Not only do they teach tolerance and diversity, they are just darn cute. This is an original idea that I have not seen before. I received the T-Rex/ Ram which to me looks like a Dragon. This hit home to me because in the Chinese horoscope I am a dragon, and in the other horoscope I am an Aries ram. I also Received a mallard duck/rabbit, this one resembles my girlfriend because she is the year of the rabbit, and well there really isnt an animal symbol for libra, but we decided it represents her.
The unique Jumbies have a story where the stork messed up, and you can actually go to Each Jumbie has some sort of currency tied to them which allows you to interact with their world.

"I received free or discounted product in exchange for providing an unbiased review."I was not compensated for my review and all my opinions are my own. One may or may not have the same opinion as myself when reading this. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
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