Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Adult Swimming Goggles #SwimmingGoggles

First thing that I noticed when getting these Swim Goggles in the mail is that they came in a neat case!! The case is hard plastic;  the top half is clear (the goggles are visible from this area) the bottom half is non-transparent grey/silver. There is a swivel lock on one side that allows the user to unlock the case.  Once the case is unlock you are able to flip the clear transparent half up and access the goggles.

The Goggles themselves feel very well made and have an attractive sporty look to them.   I received a metalic-silver and black model.  One thing that was different from most goggles I had tried/ used was that the strap was actually 2-halves connected by an interlocking button. The button makes it both easier to adjust and easier to put the goggles ( great for not messing up your hair- or pulling on it when you remove them!) 

The Lens have a built-in UV Shield / Anti-fog Technology, which is awesome!! I remember wearing goggles as a kid and having them fog up on me all the time... this  is a big step up! On the inner working of the eye lens we have the gasket.  The gaskets around the eyepiece is thick and curved which has a good amount of suction that helps reduce the chance of water getting in...

Overall A++!! Awesome!!

Product Description
  • 1. Clear lenses provide a natural light, which makes it ideal for low light, overcast conditions or in murky open water where maximum visibility is required. Ideal for indoor pools and dark conditions.
    2. Made of high quality environmental polycarbonate lenses & silicone strap, lenses offer UV protection.
    3. Easy-to-use environmental silicone clasp and the adjustment system lets you pull the straps from either side.
    4. Fit comfortably around your eye sockets and don't have to create too much pressure to keep the water out.
    The gaskets around the eyepieces are thick and curved in a way that will probably fit most faces.
 *I received this product free in exchange for my unbiased review. I was not compensated for my review and all my opinions are my own. One may or may not have the same opinion as myself when reading this. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. * "I received free or discounted product in exchange for providing an unbiased review."

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