Betta Bridges Pets Natural Tear Stain Remover For Dogs

Product Description

Most Effective Tear Stain Remover On The Market-For Cats & Dogs
Are You Struggling To Remove Your Pet's Tear Stains?
✘ Eyelids that are turned inward
✘ Shallow eye sockets (if they aren't big or deep enough)
✘ Previous infections or eye damage
✘ Blocked tear drainage holes, very common
✘ Hair growth around the eye (taking tears away from the eye and onto the face)
We Solve All of these
Betta Bridges Pets' Eye Tear Stain Remover For Dogs solves all of those -- and more!
Why Betta Bridges Pets Eye Tear Stain Remover Works
Specifically developed for both dogs and cats to remove unsightly tear stains, once and for all. The ingredients used are all natural.
Amazing results guaranteed!
Dog angel eyes. tear stain remover that works.
Click the buy now button for the best treatment you can find!
Very Safe and Effective
How To Eliminate The Source of Your Pet's Tear Stain Irritation.
Your dog's staining is caused by either, excessive tearing, or insufficient tear drainage.
Betta Bridges Pets Eye Tear Stain Remover gives your dog and cat these benefits:
✔ Eliminates those ugly tear stains from the inside out
✔ Prevents eye discharge and infections
✔ Lightens existing stains (where shampoos cannot)
✔ Helps remove any staining around the pet's eye and coat
✔ Starts working before the tear stains begin
MSRP: $34.95
Available on Amazon W/ Prime $19.46 Click Here
I tested this tear stain remover on my girlfriends shih tzu. At first he was fussy, but that's because he was in the kennel all day and wanted to run outside to play. Well after a few wipes he became comfortable with the process of me cleaning his eye tears and sat still. He seemed calm through the other eye cleaning. I gave him a treat and he was off to play.
All you need is a cottonball, and the bottle of Betta Bridges Pets Natural Tear Stain Remover. I placed the cotton ball on the end of the bottle, flip it so that enough fluid flows into the cotton ball and you are ready to clean away the tears.
One thing to keep in mind is that years/months worth of tears are not going to completely clear up with one treatment. You will notice the cotton ball absorb dirt and debris from wiping the stains which is how you know its working. You may see greater results if you treat daily for two weeks
Some stains are permanent. You will need to cut the permanent dyed fur, and then wipe the new growing fur to prevent the occurrence of dyed tear stain build-up.
I was very pleased with this product because it was very gentle on my puppy, and would recommend it to any dog-lover. All the ingredients are natural and mostly consist of essential oils.
Some of the products in my reviews have been given to me for free in exchange for an honest review. In such cases I have not received anything other than the free product itself.
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