The Dance instructors are very professional. The DVD begins by explaining Salsa terms, Dance Counts which you will understand and memorize in the first 5 minutes. The DVD series goes from "beginner" to "intermediate". I have been in a relationship now for 10 years, and wedding talk is in the air. This wedding talk is leading to venue, music, and yes you guessed it dance. This is a step in the right direction for me. Video has closeups of movements, feet, people, and how to look HOT(what to wear).
Speaking of Hot, I tried out Salsacrazy Habanero Bloody Mary Mix its HOT!! Delicious, it is almost as good as mine ;p, but I don't use as fresh ingredients as they do with Vine Ripe Tomatoes, and actual pieces of Habanero, just add Vodka and you are set. I don't drink but I grew up in a bar and I learned how to bar-tend at a young age, and I was the only one in the Grill & Bar that would/or knew how to make the Michillada Mix. Not even the owners knew how to make it, but this pre-made mix is right on the money. I think it makes a delicious Michillada Mix, just add some ice, fresh lime, salted rim, some olives, even a celery stick, and your favorite beer. Again, I do not drink so I drink it Virgin with some fresh lime and I garnish the glass and nobody knows the difference.
If you are are trying to reduce your consumption of alcohol, I suggest adding TopoChico Mineral Water (1/4 -1/2 ratio). I have given this my Michillada Mix, and Salsacrazy Habanero Bloody Mary Mix with Topochico to people that like beer, and they can't even tell the difference because the topochico gives them that bubbly feel they look for.
back to the Dance video it also ncludes dance club etiquette- If you are like me in the sense that I did not know how to dance, or even how to approach and ask someone else how to dance, or reject another person when I was asked to dance, it is all included. Video
Final notes- Fun, Easy-to-follow, Quick, Funny(bloopers), great for couples looking to add some spark into their life, and for people getting married
Some of the products in my reviews have been given to me for free in exchange for an honest review. In such cases I have not received anything other than the free product itself.
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