Friday, December 25, 2015

BYZOU French Press Coffee Maker #coffeemaker

It all started about 10 years back,  around the time I started dating my girlfriend, she made me take her for coffee.  First it was Starbucks, then it was a local coffee shop named Jitters, followed by Moon Beans.  I was never really a coffee drinker.

About 3 years back, I was well into couponing, and reward apps that scored me enough gift cards that allowed me sample several different types of coffees and teas at Starbucks and become a Gold Card holder.

About 1.5 years back, I heard about "Bullet Proof Coffee". There was lots of hype about it, but it was super expensive.. Then I saw a post by Refinery 29, talking about Death Wish Coffee and how it was the most caffeinated coffee in the world. I had been saving for the Bullet Proof coffee, but researching and comparing the "organic" Bullet Proof Coffee, I figured they were close enough in quality, reviews, Caffeine for my needs.

Making the coffee wasn't as simple as I thought it was going to be. I grew up watching my grandparents get a few spoons of coffee (Nescafe) put it on the stove, milk , sugar, and serve. I put a pot on the stove put coffee grounds into the water, and set the water to boil, and tried to strain out the grains.. lets just call that a failure. I purchased a $10 clearance single cup coffee maker a few months back- I said, "that will work". The coffee still tasted bad. Then when I thought all was lost, came the french press. I now own several french presses and for the most part they are all similar in design, and use.  You have two choices in the french press world Glass or Stainless Steel.  Glass is usually nicer to look at, less expensive, but much more fragile.

Currently I am brewing Burnies Beans- South America Espresso Beans

I am using the BYZOU French Press Coffee Maker 34 Ounce(Oz)/8 Cup(4 Mug). It seems to be similar to other presses that I have used in the past but a few slight differences. The heat resistant handle for one doesn't fully come back into the design like a "D" it comes outward to start the"D" but stays open. The plungers that I am used seeing are full metal meshes. This one has Silicone which is a 2015 design.. I have actually seen so many new silicone products  come to market, and it is for good reason to- silicone works and is simple to clean. I like that I didn't have to clean grounds out of a mesh because of this new design concept. The stainless steel frame that is chromed out is a similar look that you will find in most french presses on the market, but I am glad  its there- very 1950's. The other thing to look at is the lid. I thought it was also stainless steel, but it  is a plastic material. The good thing about plastic is that it wont rust. I still would have rather had a stainless steel top.

Overall its a great press that is easy to use, and even comes with a plastic scoop. I do wish it also came with a wooden spoon- but I am just nit-picking now.

In case your wondering my method-

I usually put some water to boil.
Pour some of the hot water into the Press, and let set for 20-30secs to heat up the glass, then pour it out.
Pour about a cup more hot water into the press, and add the desired amount of coffee grounds. Stir with a wooden spoon (never metal because you can break the glass)  (let stand for 30seconds)
Then pour the rest of the desired water quantity in the press. (let stand about 3.5 minutes more), then slowly press the plunger down with the sout facing away from you.

The longer the beans touch the heat I believe make it more bitter.

This is what works for me. If you have any recommendations or a better way to do it, please leave me a comment.

* "I received free or discounted product in exchange for providing an honest review."

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